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Reward Being Offered in Conjunction with Tome Inn Fire

Toni L. Lozzi

The Bainbridge Development Corporation (BDC) is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the fire that occurred on May 6, 2020 at the former Historic Tome School Inn, on the Bainbridge property located in Port Deposit, Maryland.

The BDC has been working closely with the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office on the arson investigation and strongly encourages individuals with any pertinent information to contact the Maryland Arson Hotline at 800-492-7529. All tips are kept confidential and are immediately relayed to investigators.

At its May 18th meeting, the BDC Board updated the action plan with immediate steps to enhance security measures stressing the importance of safety and security on the Tome Campus. This plan was created with input from the State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Maryland Historic Trust.

The BDC remains strong in its commitment to maintain and redevelop the Tome School Campus.

Any questions can be directed to Toni Sprenkle, BDC Project Coordinator, at 410-378-9200 or


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